Bold Idea update Robyn Brown Bold Idea update Robyn Brown

Every Coder Has a Story - Meet Ella, Issac, Muhammad and Adrian

The elementary team at ideaSpark, comprised of Ella, Isaac, Muhammad and Adrian, have tackled school bullying and encouraged reading in their team website projects.

A website can offer a new approach to solving problems. That’s what the elementary team at the Frisco Athletic Center is learning this semester in ideaSpark. The team, comprised of Ella, Isaac, Muhammad and Adrian, have tackled school bullying and encouraged reading in their team website projects. The students as a team have learned to discuss problems they face, ask questions on what they don’t know, wireframe their webpages using pencil and paper, and build webpages using their new HTML and CSS skills.

Book recommendations

Like many kids their age, this team gets excited about all things Star Wars, Minecraft and Pokemon Go. That sparked an idea to create a website that recommends books to kids based on their interests. Ella is in charge of the homepage, and she’s using her design and CSS skills to make an engaging landing page. Users start by selecting their interest, which will direct them to a student page with books on that topic — Minecraft (Adrian), Star Wars (Isaac) and Pokemon Go! (Muhammad). 

Here is a video of Issac describing the team's website project:

All four students on the team are most excited about the design part, which uses CSS or cascading style sheets.

“I like to style the websites. So after we make them, we get to design them. I use CSS and we type in the code for it and play around with it,” Ella said.

“I’ve enjoyed that I could make other things, like color the words or put things in the middle. I can make the background a color, make things move when I hover over them or bring people to other pages when you click on them,” added Adrian.

In their first project together, the team tackled school bullying with each student taking a different topic like verbal abuse or cyber bullying. 

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Mentor profile Robyn Brown Mentor profile Robyn Brown

Mentor Monday: Meet Bob

Bob Timm — aka Robot Bob — is a software engineer at Bottle Rocket. This fall he joined the ideaSpark mentoring team that meets Saturdays at Bottle Rocket. His enthusiasm for student success in computer science is evident each week!

Bob Timm — aka Robot Bob — is a software engineer at Bottle Rocket. This fall he joined the ideaSpark mentoring team that meets Saturdays at Bottle Rocket. His enthusiasm for student success in computer science is evident each week!

Meet Bob...

How did you become interested in tech or programming?
It was not until my early years in college, I took my first programming course in C. My professor gave us challenging and open-ended problems, mostly in the form of games. At the time I was on track for an Electrical Engineering degree and decided after taking that one class to change my major to Computer Science. Around this time, I purchased my first BlackBerry and became obsessed with building simple games on mobile. The year was 2009 and the iPhone was soon to be announced. It was at this time I decided to become a mobile developer, and have done it ever since!

What did you study in college?
Computer Science and Business

What are you working on now?
I am a Software Engineer at a great company in Addison, TX called Bottle Rocket. We build spectacular mobile experiences for some of the world’s largest and most recognized brands. Some of the apps I have worked on include the Coca-Cola Freestyle Android app and Starwood Hotels for Android.

What have you gained from being a mentor? What was your most memorable moment while mentoring?
I enjoy helping students find what drives them. Each student is different and is passionate about different activities, whether that be graphical design, sports, games, reading, etc. Finding unique ways to tie their interests to Science is what I really enjoy. My favorite moments during class are when students have that “aha” moment. It is always a great view to see a student become excited about gaining new knowledge.

Is there anything that you wish you could tell your younger self about coding?
Start at an earlier age! Get part time jobs and internships as early as possible in fields related to your interests. College will have much more perceived value if you understand how to apply topics you learn in class to work experiences you have already had.

Though mileage will vary, I took time off from school to work on apps for Android and iOS. Returning to school for my Computer Science degree, I had no issues coding in my classes. This allowed me to fully absorb the scientific concepts my professors were teaching.

Is there anything about our mission that really connects with you?
“We are all born with a desire to create.”
I was born with a desire to create. From legos, painting, wood working to the performing arts, these activities have filled my entire life. Programming has only recently become a new creative outlet. I have the chance to create anything, everyday.

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Mentor profile Robyn Brown Mentor profile Robyn Brown

Mentor Monday: Meet Bill

A senior engineering manager at Bottle Rocket, William (Bill) Francis has mentored young coders since our ideaSpark program started in early 2016. Since that time, he has worked with student teams at our UT Dallas and Bottle Rocket locations. He even supported his mentee Audrey, age 11, as she published her mobile app 'Animal Rescue' on the Google Play Store - our first student to do so. (Download the app for free on the Play Store). We are honored to have this experienced software engineer with a passion for student innovation on our mentoring team. Meet Bill...

A senior engineering manager at Bottle Rocket, William (Bill) Francis has mentored young coders since our ideaSpark program started in early 2016. Since that time, he has worked with student teams at our UT Dallas and Bottle Rocket locations. He even supported his mentee Audrey, age 11, as she published her mobile app 'Animal Rescue' on the Google Play Store - our first student to do so. (Download the app for free on the Play Store). We are honored to have this experienced software engineer with a passion for student innovation on our mentoring team. Meet Bill...

How did you become interested in technology or programming?
When I was 11, I decided I wanted to make my own video game. Upon investigating, I discovered doing so necessitated I learn programming. So I talked my parents into a TRS-80 under the premise it would be useful for bringing my grades up. It actually did kind of the opposite. In a few days I was hooked on programming and proceeded to stay up till the wee hours of the morning most school nights learning to code -- at least until my mom caught on. In the end though, it all worked out as I now make my living as a software engineer.

What did you study in college?
After graduating from high school, I joined the military. I spent six years as part of the Military Intelligence Brigade working on both software and hardware in places like Korea, Italy, and Germany. After the army I attended University of North Texas where I earned a degree in Information Science.

What are you working on now?
Presently I work on a video delivery app for big brands like NBC, Game Show Network, and the Dallas Cowboys. Some of the projects I've lead include the Chick-fil-A App, Coke's Freestyle App, BET, and Fox News.

What have you gained from being a mentor? What was your most memorable moment while mentoring?
For me, being a mentor has given me the opportunity to see in the students that same passion I once had for computer programming. Selfishly, its almost nostalgic for me -- a way to relive some of what to me as a child was a magic, life-shaping event.

One of the most memorable moments for me as a mentor was getting an email from a student's mother asking if I'd be available to meet for a session outside of the normal hours. Her daughter was really excited about and enjoying the app we were building and due to a conflict during the normal scheduled class period was afraid she wouldn't get the chance to finish it. It just so happened I was available and I was very pleased to be able to help a young person build something she was passionate about and proud of.

Is there anything that you wish you could tell your younger self about coding?
Take the time to dig in and learn as much as you can before banging out the code. Sometimes its hard because its easy to get excited about bringing your creation to life, but there is a lot of value in gaining a level of understanding before typing that first line of code.

Is there anything about the Bold Idea mission that really connects with you?
Coding is empowering regardless of age, race, or gender. I love the idea that I am able to help a young person leave a thumbprint on the world we all share. When I see that spark of an idea grow into a creation that ends up in the app store I can't help but be excited for the students.  

We live in a world where at the click of a button a young person can make their app available for download to millions of people all around the globe! What could be more exciting than having even a small hand in the next generation of makers? I feel like the kids I get the honor of working with today, are some of the engineers that will grow up to shape tomorrow!

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Mentor profile Robyn Brown Mentor profile Robyn Brown

Mentor Monday: Meet Stan

A VMware platform engineer, Stan Dorsett mentors our 4th – 5th grade team at Rosemont Elementary in Dallas. In fact, Stan was an early advocate for bringing Bold Idea to his children's school in their North Oak Cliff neighborhood, enabling Bold Idea to start serving students in Dallas ISD. We're now lucky to have Stan on our mentoring team and to work with his son Malcolm each week.

A VMware platform engineer, Stan Dorsett mentors our 4th – 5th grade team at Rosemont Elementary in Dallas. In fact, Stan was an early advocate for bringing Bold Idea to his children's school in their North Oak Cliff neighborhood, enabling Bold Idea to start serving students in Dallas ISD. We're now lucky to have Stan on our mentoring team and to work with his son Malcolm each week.

Meet Stan...

How did you become interested in tech or programming?
My Dad was an electrical engineer, so I always had electronic kits and other STEM toys around as a kid. Dad brought home a Commodore C-64 computer when I was in high school and I was hooked.

What did you study in college?
I took some junior college classes on an electrical engineering track, but I didn't follow through with college. I instead learned to operate printing presses as a trade and worked in that field until I jumped back over to computers as a career in my late 20s.

What are you working on now?
I work on automating cloud infrastructure for VMware customers. I really enjoy working with rapidly changing technologies and the thrill of learning something new almost every day.

What have you gained from being a mentor? What was your most memorable moment while mentoring?
It is easy to forget the frustration you feel when you are first learning a thing. I enjoy encouraging the students and trying to help them staying positive through that initial frustration. It is fulfilling to see them push through and finally see them figure the thing out.

Is there anything that you wish you could tell your younger self about coding?
I wish I would have stuck with my initial love of computers, but I still feel fortunate to have circled back around to it as I did.

Is there anything about our mission that really connects with you?
The feeling of involvement with kids in my immediate community and the classmates of my children is awesome. I feel thankful to have a program like this available in their school and am grateful for all the other mentors that give of their time to make it a success.

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Mentor profile Robyn Brown Mentor profile Robyn Brown

Mentor Monday: Meet Nicki

A consultant at Pariveda Solutions, Nicki Hames has mentored with ideaSpark since the program started. She also lends her experience by training new mentors and contributing to our program design. Nicki's enthusiasm for mentoring young coders has encouraged many of her Pariveda colleagues to also volunteer.

A consultant at Pariveda Solutions, Nicki Hames has mentored with ideaSpark since the program started. She also lends her experience by training new mentors and contributing to our program design. Nicki's enthusiasm for mentoring young coders has encouraged many of her Pariveda colleagues to also volunteer.
Meet Nicki...

How did you become interested in technology and programming?
My mom and dad both had backgrounds in engineering and computer science. They worked at a large technology company so our family has already been oriented in that direction.  I took AP Computer Science class my freshman year in high school and enjoyed the logical processes and problem solving.  It wasn't until my sophomore and junior year in college when I was doing a lot of data analysis for Psychology research that I was involved in that I realized how much I liked that way of thinking.  I haven't looked back since.

What did you study in college?
Double majored in Psychology and Women's & Gender Studies and minored in Computer Science

What are you working on now?
Currently, I am a Consultant at Pariveda Solutions.  I am stationed at a large, multi-national real estate client, working on a custom web application.  We are in the process of integrating this system with their accounting systems.

What have you gained from being a mentor? What was your favorite experience?
One of the most gratifying moments from mentoring the kids was seeing them realize they could actually solve the problem.  There would be this lightbulb that would go off, and then you would see their confidence continue to grow throughout the semester.  It's great knowing that I could play a part in that.

Is there anything you wish you could tell your younger self about coding?
More so, I  wish I could tell my younger self to stick with it.  I stopped exploring computer science after my freshman year of high school mainly because of my perception of the stigma of women in tech.  My class was filled with all boys and taught by a male teacher.  I didn't really have any examples of women succeeding in computer science.

Is there anything about Bold Idea's mission that really connects with you?
I really enjoy being a part of the process to 'empower young minds.'  I think the greatest gift we can give to children is education and problem solving so that they have the tools to make their own decisions and shape their own path.



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Mentor Monday: Meet Rishabh

A senior at Plano East Senior High School, Rishabh Thakkar has been an ideaSpark mentor since the program started in January. This semester he's one of the veterans with his friend and fellow mentor, Karthik - both serving at the Frisco Athletic Center. Bold Idea is lucky to benefit from his passion and experience. Over the summer Rishabh also helped design the mobile app projects for our students ages 10–14 as part of our Program Design Team.

A senior at Plano East Senior High School, Rishabh Thakkar has been an ideaSpark mentor since the program started in January. This semester he's one of the veterans with his friend and fellow mentor, Karthik - both serving at the Frisco Athletic Center. Bold Idea is lucky to benefit from his passion and experience. Over the summer Rishabh also helped design the mobile app projects for our students ages 10–14 as part of our Program Design Team. Meet Rishabh...

How did you become interested in technology and programming?
My interest in technology and programming began when I first learned about autopilot on airplanes. It really sparked my interest in automation and machines. I pursued that interest through middle school and now high school in learning the programming behind automation and robotics. 

What do you want to study in college?
I want to major in Computer Science and minor in Electrical Engineering. 

What are you working on now?
Currently, I'm working on a website/communications platform to allow developers and consumers to directly connect. Also, I'm continuing work on my Room Mapping Robot and utilizing drones to perform the task. 

What have you gained from being a mentor? What was your favorite experience?
Being a mentor really gave me the opportunity to inspire the upcoming generations to develop the similar interests I had when I was younger. There wasn't a specific memorable moment rather it was a collection of those excited faces I got to see when the kids figured out a working solution to their projects. 

What would you tell your younger self about coding?
I'd love to tell my younger self to pursue that interest in coding and technology earlier than I did. I didn't really pick up programming till late middle school. It would have been great if I started a couple years earlier. 

How does the Bold Idea mission connect with you personally?
The mission connects with me in a way by showing me that literally anyone has the opportunity to learn and do anything these days. It is just our job to seize it like these kids are by participating in Bold Idea.

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Mentor profile Robyn Brown Mentor profile Robyn Brown

Mentor Monday: Meet Elaine

A long-time Bold Idea volunteer, Elaine Torres is a mentor with a team of 7–10 year old ideaSpark students at the Frisco Athletic Center. She's also a member of the Bold Brigade (our brand ambassadors), lending her digital marketing talents.

A long-time Bold Idea volunteer, Elaine Torres is a mentor with a team of 7–10 year old ideaSpark students at the Frisco Athletic Center. She's also a member of the Bold Brigade (our brand ambassadors), lending her digital marketing talents.

Meet Elaine...

How did you become interested in programming?
I took the convoluted approach to tech and programming. Initially my interest was in art. Traditional art, you know paint, drawing, sketching...etc. It wasn't until I discovered that I could take my drawings and convert them into digital pieces that I began to discover my love of technology.

Enter the Emerging Media Program at UT Dallas. This was something that was life changing for me because I discovered that I could combine my love of the arts with digital design. I grew fascinated with the "how" and the "why" the digital programs I was using were doing what they were doing and this led me to discover my admiration of the programming side of things.

What did you study in college?
In college I majored in Liberal Arts, and then at UT Dallas, Emerging Media Arts & Communications.

What are you working on now?
Right now I help other businesses with their digital design and marketing needs.  Current projects include: A redesign of my current website, and assisting with the digital marketing for Bold Idea, and another technology group called Digital Dallas.

What have you gained from being a mentor? What was your favorite experience?
So much. I have always loved being a mentor. I have worked with children prior to my connecting with Bold Idea, and just love their energy and enthusiasm. I have taken that enthusiastic mindset into my own life and learned to "think like a kid" when it comes to entrepreneurial ventures. They are all in with everything they do, I try to do the same.

My most memorable moment ha ha...Has to be raining tacos. I worked with two little dudes (who shall remain nameless) to try to help them create an app or game that would bring awareness to recycling. That was the task, what they ended up with was creative, but didn't really bring awareness to recycling. One boy tried to stay on task, and the other well he had a desire to create a video with raining tacos everywhere and explosions, and space, and car crashes...and well I'll let you guess how their project ended up. While they didn't complete the assigned task, I noticed that they both had a creative streak that they might not have discovered were it not for this program. They worked together to create raining tacos, in space, with no car crashes caused because of the tacos everywhere. George Lucas would be proud.  

Is there anything you wish you could tell your younger self about coding?
OH man so much. I was in a class in 7th grade that taught us DOS to create pictures on the computer...(totally just aged myself there) and I would tell myself to do MUCH better in that class than I did. Who knows what kind of 'THINGS' I could have created.

Is there anything about Bold Idea's mission that really connects with you?
The connection with the next generation of coders, designers, and technical minds connects with me. Children have so much potential and they are amazing little sponges. The more good stuff we put into them, the greater our world could be.

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Mentor profile Robyn Brown Mentor profile Robyn Brown

Mentor Monday: Meet Jennica

Jennica Drewe has served as a Bold Idea mentor since we started testing ideaSpark last year. She's also been a driving force on our Program Design Team and recently a mentor trainer. We're excited that she'll be mentoring ideaSpark students in 3rd – 5th grade at UT Dallas again this semester.

Jennica Drewe has served as a Bold Idea mentor since we started testing ideaSpark last year. She's also been a driving force on our Program Design Team and recently a mentor trainer. We're excited that she'll be mentoring ideaSpark students in 3rd – 5th grade at UT Dallas again this semester.

Meet Jennica 

How did you become interested in tech or programming?
I have always been interested in tech because my big brother is a gamer and always had a computer or console to play video games on. There is a 6 year age gap between us but video games were always something we could bond over. I became interested in programming when I became a technical writer at Texas Instruments. Programming basics are a big part of what I do on a day-to-day basis and learning some other languages has really helped me.

What did you study in college?
In college, I studied journalism with a concentration in public relations. I also studied Spanish and political science.

What are you working on now?
I am currently working at Texas Instruments as a technical writer, and I am the project lead for our team's staffing company, Brightwing.

I work on a lot of different projects. Everyday I work on the technical documents for about 7 different groups at TI. That includes editing, formatting and creating some graphics. I also work on our standards document, help test new software applications, and help train new team members.

What have you gained from being a mentor? What was your most memorable moment while mentoring?
I have enjoyed getting to see students grow during the semester. We really challenged our students at UTD to work with new people and it was amazing to see how surprised they were when they enjoyed working with someone new.  My most memorable mentoring  moment was watching my students present their projects in front of everyone at Demo Day and to see how far they got with their projects.

Is there anything that you wish you could tell your younger self about coding?
Think of coding like a puzzle, and it will be a lot more fun when you have to debug!

Is there anything about our mission that really connects with you?
I love that Bold Idea seeks to empower students through code. By being an ideaSpark mentor, we get to teach students so much more than code. It is quite an experience to see a shy student present their project in front of a huge group of people they haven't met before. That is pretty empowering.

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Robyn Brown Robyn Brown

How I Started Programming

I was first introduced to the idea of coding when I was young, probably around twelve years old. I was playing online games, and I noticed that other "regular" people like me could make websites using programming. A friend of mine showed me a webpage that she made for a group she had in an online game, Neopets. It was simply made in HTML, but I was in awe that she made it. I wanted to make one myself.

By Krithika Suresh

I've never written an article before, but I wanted to share my experience with programming. I think it will show a different perspective on how people become involved in computer science. I was first introduced to the idea of coding when I was young, probably around twelve years old. I was playing online games, and I noticed that other "regular" people like me could make websites using programming. When I say regular people, I mean people who don't professionally program for a living. A friend of mine showed me a webpage that she made for a group she had in an online game, Neopets. It was simply made in HTML, but I was in awe that she made it. I wanted to make one myself.

Excited by the idea of making a webpage, I remember trying to learn, using resources like CodeAcademy. I ended up making a simple webpage in the beginning for my own group I decided to start - I don't remember now what it was about. I wasn't able to meet the high standards I had set for the way the webpage should look as I tried to improve. After confused attempts using CSS, I eventually moved on without looking back.

Fast forward several years to high school, I participated in a psychology research lab that required me to learn how to do some basic coding for the online questionnaire program. Even though the language was specific to the research and wouldn't be useful elsewhere, I didn't mind learning it. Then I realized that coding was something I enjoyed. I would be working on the research project for hours - changing the code, testing it, seeing how bad it was and fixing it again, and it would feel like no time at all.

It's important to know whether you enjoy programming when deciding whether or not you want to be in the computer science field. I think coding is fun whenever you know what you're doing. That's probably why I discarded the idea of it when I was younger, but I hope that other young ones have the support they need when they try coding out for the first time.

So now, as a freshman in college, I'm pursuing a degree in computer science. There is a learning curve, but this year I've become more familiar with all the different branches of computer science that one could go. I'm looking forward to exploring my options.

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Bold Idea update Robyn Brown Bold Idea update Robyn Brown

2015: A Year of Growth for Bold Idea

Embodying the spirit of our mission statement, we spent most of 2015 building a team to make our own bold idea a reality. Support from our donors, partners, volunteers, family and friends this year has been invaluable. As the formative year of our organization, we needed people to not only believe in our mission statement but to also support and embody our values.

2015 has been a remarkable year for Bold Idea.

This time last year, our organization was just an idea to help a new generation learn how to build technology through code. Embodying the spirit of our mission statement, we spent most of 2015 building a team to make our own bold idea a reality. Support from our donors, partners, volunteers, family and friends this year has been invaluable. As the formative year of our organization, we needed people to not only believe in our mission statement but to also support and embody our values.

At Bold Idea, we are passionate about developing and empowering young minds toimpact their world together as builders of technology. That’s why our mentors work alongside them to develop their skills in coding, computer science, teamwork and problem solving. As a result, our most creative and passionate minds work as young coders today and become bold leaders tomorrow.

We strive to design programs that further this vision.

  • Our collaboration with AT&T and Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas in 2015 allowed us to pilot our first multi-day workshop with a focus on web development for social good – Geek for Good.
  • In January we launch a new Bold Idea program: ideaSpark, providing 1st-8th grade students education in computer science for community problem solving.

And we’re not doing it alone. Over 25 volunteers have signed on to mentor students and support program development. We also have support from tech companies like Bottle Rocket and VMware, community groups like the Frisco Parks & Recreation Department and Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas and university programs like UTD’s School of Arts, Technology and Emerging Communications.

We hope you will continue to support Bold Idea in 2016 - both as a financial partner and an advocate in the community. We are looking forward to another year of growth for Bold Idea, and another year of inspired code from our students.

On behalf of all of us on the Board of Directors, THANK YOU and best wishes in the new year!

- Ben

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CS information Robyn Brown CS information Robyn Brown

Expanding STEM: Why Language Arts Has a Place in Computer Science Education

The original mantra of Reading, Writing and Arithmetic has become too limiting. Students need to expand their knowledge of science and apply it to the world around them. By expanding student lessons using STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), basic facts about science and mathematics are reinforced with problem-based learning exercises, often in a team environment. Computer programming has been used to simulate planet orbits to illustrate Kepler’s law and create your own space program, for example.

By Kris MacKay

The original mantra of Reading, Writing and Arithmetic has become too limiting. Students need to expand their knowledge of science and apply it to the world around them. By expanding student lessons using STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), basic facts about science and mathematics are reinforced with problem-based learning exercises, often in a team environment. Computer programming has been used to simulate planet orbits to illustrate Kepler’s law and create your own space program, for example.

However, coding projects that support teaching in fields of study are not limited to science and math. For example, a game from the 70’s, Oregon Trail, was designed by three people to teach school children about the realities of 19th century pioneer life on the Oregon Trail. The game combined computer programming and social science. In a similar fashion, history students can build components for different regions in time using computer applications such as web pages or MIT Scratch. Other projects might include A.P. World History students constructing lessons for chapters on the Persian Empires, the Silk Road trade routes or Sub-Saharan African societies. The hybrid solution of programming and social science adds “A” (Arts) into STEM to offer students STEAM as a method to reinforce learning.

This can also be used for English class to explore literary topics. Students have studied “Romeo and Juliet” by acting out scenes with original or altered endings. Rather than have students build projects and memorize lines, they can share their work and variations with others in digital formats. Imagine if Mercutio had avoided the fight in 'Romeo and Juliet.' What words would Mercutio have said instead of "Ay, ay, a scratch, a scratch; marry, 'tis enough...No, 'tis not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church-door; but 'tis enough..A plague o' both your houses!"?

STEAM opens a world of possibilities - not only for students but also for technical and non-technical teachers to discover, explore and learn.

Check out:

  • Planetary Orbit Simulator
  • Kerbal Space Program
  • Oregon Trail
  • Romeo and Juliet Scratch project
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Robyn Brown Robyn Brown

My Programming Story

When I was a little kid, one of my favorite computer gam tha I played was Age of Empires. It’s a war strategy game based on events that happened in the ancien worl. Every country has a special arm, and you can be the king of the country you choose when you start the game. You will develop the country in any way you want. You can ally with other countries and trade with them. But the most fun part is starting a war. Because of Age of Empires, I became interested in the virtual world inside he omputer. I wanted to create one of my own games. Therefore, I chose Computer Engineering as my major in UTD.

When I was a little kid, one of my favorite computer gam tha I played was Age of Empires. It’s a war strategy game based on events that happened in the ancien worl. Every country has a special arm, and you can be the king of the country you choose when you start the game. You will develop the country in any way you want. You can ally with other countries and trade with them. But the most fun part is starting a war. Because of Age of Empires, I became interested in the virtual world inside he omputer. I wanted to create one of my own games. Therefore, I chose Computer Engineering as my major in UTD.

About two years ago, I started to learn programming online by myself. Programming is a lot harder than I thought, and more boring than just playing the game. The computer is like a baby. You have to teach him everything you want him to know. What he will do is exactly what you tell him to do. Once I even hoped he would get smarter and be able to predict what I am going to tell him to do and the do it.

In the hope of making my games, I am still learning programming and have made many friends in this field. Although it’s a really small game, I still remember the excitement after I made the game tic-tac-toe by myself. I think there are infinite possibilities in programming, which makes it one of the easiest ways to create something. Programming is like solving math problems: here are many different ways to get to the final answer. With friends, I can always get different thoughts. And knowing what other peopl ar thinking ith the same question can really help me think n a different level.

I still have a long way to go, both in my degree plan and in my skill level of programming. Hope we get better every day!

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Bold Idea update Robyn Brown Bold Idea update Robyn Brown

ideaSpark Fall Preview

Bold Idea has been hard at work over the past five months building ideaSpark — our after-school program that combines education in computer science, coding and community impact.

Bold Idea has been hard at work over the past five months building ideaSpark — our after-school program that combines education in computer science, coding and community impact.

This fall semester we're offering 1st – 8th grade students a preview of the program — for free. Parents are welcome to sign up their kids for one or multiple Saturdays. Learn more

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Bold Idea update Robyn Brown Bold Idea update Robyn Brown

Bold Idea Granted 501(c)(3) Status

We are happy to announce that Bold Idea is now officially a public charity with tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. What does this mean? Contributions donated to Bold Idea, both financial and in-kind, are fully tax deductible, retroactive to the organization establishment date of April 13, 2015. Your employer may also having a matching program for contributions or volunteer time.

We are happy to announce that Bold Idea is now officially a public charity with tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code.

What does this mean? Contributions donated to Bold Idea, both financial and in-kind, are fully tax deductible, retroactive to the organization establishment date of April 13, 2015. Your employer may also having a matching program for contributions or volunteer time.

Above all, this designation will further our ability to deliver on the Bold Idea mission: to develop and empower young minds to execute bold ideas as a team through the power of coding.

Technology innovation is critical to enabling social good for our communities. Our mentors work alongside students to build their skills in coding, computer science, creative confidence, teambuilding, problem solving and social entrepreneurship. As a result, we can put our most creative and passionate minds to work as young change agents today and bold leaders tomorrow.

With your help, we are making that vision a reality — starting with students here in the Dallas area. Thank you for your continued support.

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Sleepover 2.0

I'll start with explaining how this idea came to my mind. It happened when I first heard about hack-a-thons, I thought: “Super cool!” The first image that came to my mind was an intense environment of people working together to for a common cause, as fast as they could, camping together in sleeping bags, eating free food, and exchanging good humor. In addition, athletes, musicians and actors can get their shared cause, intense teamwork, and pressure to perform on the field, in concerts, or on stage. Techies can get theirs through hack-a-thons.

By Tina Le

I'll start with explaining how this idea came to my mind. It happened when I first heard about hack-a-thons, I thought: “Super cool!” The first image that came to my mind was an intense environment of people working together to for a common cause, as fast as they could, camping together in sleeping bags, eating free food, and exchanging good humor. In addition, athletes, musicians and actors can get their shared cause, intense teamwork, and pressure to perform on the field, in concerts, or on stage. Techies can get theirs through hack-a-thons.

What about for kids? Maybe Sleepover 2.0!

A kids party version of hack-a-thons.sleepover20 Sleepover 2.0, as I envisioned the idea, is a social event where kids stay up late, munching yummy food and drink, while doing techie-inspired activities.

Activity Ideas

  • Play coding board games like Robot Turtles  or 404: Law not found
  • Build small robots, like bristlebots! or Quirkbots!
  • Arduino has a variety of kits for kids. For example, kids can make a glowing house or flashing greeting cards.
  • Maybe present teenagers with a problem, or have them choose a problem. Then during the 2 day sleepover, they would try to solve it. For example, how to make the window curtains open when the alarm goes off, or make a website to help a nonprofit. No grades, no anxiety about failure.

There's just the thrill of a time limit, and the opportunity to apply their imagination and problem solving abilities. This would require more planning, but I imagine it’s worth the fun!

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Dallas Tech Startups Design for First Responders

Entrepreneurs and developers participating in a new Dallas innovation program believe their devices, built for first responders, can help save lives. The program is called EMERGE, and it operates as a seed accelerator for consumer wearable technology with first responder application. First of its kind, EMERGE is a collaboration between Dallas' Tech Wildcatters, the Department of Homeland Security and the Center for Innovative Technology.

Innovators have made huge strides in recent years with technology that helps people in need, for example — an app that guides the blind in unfamiliar buildings and one that helps people with memory loss.

But what about technology that helps the person providing aid? Entrepreneurs and developers participating in a new Dallas innovation program believe their devices, built for first responders, can help save lives.

The program is called EMERGE, and it operates as a seed accelerator for consumer wearable technology with first responder application. First of its kind, EMERGE is a collaboration between Dallas' Tech Wildcatters, the Department of Homeland Security and the Center for Innovative Technology.

The five startups in EMERGE's first class spent the summer working from Tech Wildcatters and recently held their first demo day in Dallas. The second will be in San Francisco later this month.

Thomas Hobohm of Dashin

From apps that help first responders overcome language barriers to a mouthguard that picks up on radio communication - here's a roundup of this first class' innovations:

  1. CyberTimez creates innovative products using the latest wearable and Internet of Things technologies to make a real difference in people’s lives. Guided by the motto “Always in the service of others”, the team develops products that provide the physically disabled more independence, hearing impaired environmental awareness and better enable blind users to function in a sighted world.
  2. Dashin is an open dashboard platform that aggregates data from its own line of wearable sensors, as well as other data gathering devices worn or used by first responders. The team includes 14 year-old Thomas Hobohm of Southlake, TX. The ninth grader includes programming, software development and reading in his list of hobbies.
  3. LanguageMAPS has created the 1stMinute mobile app which improves the communications capabilities of first responders when they're assisting a foreign language speaker. With millions of non-English speaking visitors and residents in the US, language barriers happen more frequently at the scene of a medical emergency. The app provides translation capability and access to critical information in under 60 seconds.
  4. MindTalk uses patent pending bone conduction technology in mouthguards to allow athletes to listen to MP3s and receive radio communication. The team will be applying this technology to first responder equipment to allow firefighters, S.W.A.T. teams, the Coast Guard and others to be able to use a two-way communication system in extreme, loud environments where headphones won't work and outer ear protection is necessary.
  5. SensorSphere is working on an Environmental Monitoring Robotic Ball for first responder use. First responders may be able to throw in or drive the ball into an emergency site to gather environmental data and HD videos, all while operating from a safe distance.

At Bold Idea, we're encouraged to find examples of technology innovation designed for social impact here in Dallas.

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Robyn Brown Robyn Brown

Me and My Community: A Learning Opportunity for Younger Students

At what age can students start to understand their role in community and challenges the community may face? For teacher Emily Mitchell from The Nueva School in Hillsborough, California, the connection can be made as early as 1st grade. Each year her class engages in a project to learn about the larger community and adopt a community subject to study in depth.

At what age can students start to understand their role in community and challenges the community may face? For teacher Emily Mitchell from The Nueva School in Hillsborough, California, the connection can be made as early as 1st grade. Each year her class engages in a project to learn about the larger community and adopt a community subject to study in depth.

Using the principles of human-centered design, the class this past school year used their study on Frank Lloyd Wright to design a new workspace for their subjects (leaders in The Nueva School). Emily’s students discussed:

  • How does my subject fit into the larger Nueva community?
  • How does their job affect me in first grade?

They first used their observation skills in the subjects’ workspace unobtrusively. They took notes and pictures from all angles and even gathered some stories through interviews. After much idea generation and prototyping, the students zeroed in on possible design solutions. What did the 1st graders gain from this process? Building empathy, listening, asking great questions, creating, iterating and testing — and more.

Community engagement is an ongoing process of discovery and action that students from a young age can embark on. While 7 year-olds may not be feeding meals to the homeless or building apps for the visually impaired, they can start to reach into their communities. As a result, they begin to feel genuinely engaged, know their ideas to have value and believe what they do does matter — even at a young age.

Below are additional activities that can build an understanding of community and our roles within them.

Community layers

There are multiple layers that comprise a community — from immediate circles like family and classrooms to broader networks like our country and the planet.

Circles are a good metaphor to convey ever-widening forms of community to kids. Here is one visual project that teaches them how they fit into the larger community and the world, appropriate for pre-K – elementary ages. Project instructions are included here on

In our ideaSpark™ program, community starts with learning teams that include trusted peers with a diverse skillset, backgrounds and insights, as well as team mentors. Teams are then supported by a resource network that includes universities, leaders in the community, entrepreneurs and local companies. Community is also place - from a neighborhood and city to schools and extended family groups.

Like Emily at Nueva, it may be best to first explore the communities younger students can most closely identify with. Rather than starting with the plight of Syrian refugees, take a step outside the classroom and meet school leaders. Then, explore the neighborhood where the school resides and where students live.

Community needs

Younger students can understand that we all enjoy things like swimming pools, amusement parks, chocolate chip cookies and fancy new clothes, but these things aren’t actually needs. By knowing what they personally need, the students can better understand what everyone needs.

The following activities will help them discover ‘needs’ versus ‘wants’:

Make a list

  • Carry a notebook for a three days, and write down everything you use — from water in the shower and the clothes you wear to things like TV and video games. Then, divide up the list into two columns: “What I want” and “What I need.” Ask family members or your learning team what they think people in your community need to live.
  • Create a poster. With the learning team, create a single poster or two about our wants and needs. Cut out pictures from magazines and glue them to the right poster. Then, share the posters with another group and explain what you believe everyone needs.
  • Investigate basic needs. Food, water and shelter are a few of our basic needs as humans, though sadly many people lack these resources. Research why that is and find groups in your city and the world that help people meet these needs.

During the research or ideation phase of their project, the 1st graders in Emily Mitchell’s class filled out a needs profile on their individual subject. For example:

User: Megan
Needs: Better way for people to know where her office is
So as to or because: So that people know how to find her

This helped the first graders put themselves in someone else’s shoes and design solutions that met their specific needs.

Dreams for my community

Younger students especially have more creativity and ingenuity than we often give them credit for. As we get older, our new ideas are often blocked mentally by doubt and the roadblocks we’ve often encountered in the past. I believe we can tap in to the power of younger minds to gain a new way of looking at our communities and generating innovative ideas. Seriously!

Design Thinking

How do you start to get their minds churning? After leading them through a discussion and activities on community like the ones above, invite them to dream big. Ask open-ended questions that encourage them to use their imaginations and engage with one another. Tools like mind-mapping, sketching with crayons on canvas paper and colorful Post-Its will help capture ideas.

Questions may include:

  • Imagine you could make the perfect community. What would it have in it?
  • What would NOT be in your perfect community?
  • Sometimes communities have problems that affect the people who live there. Are you aware of any of the following problems? (Share some examples to get students going – for example: hunger, poverty, pollution, bullying, water waste, etc.)
  • Which of the problems you just shared do you personally care about?
  • Imagine if you had all the help and resources in the world. Even the President of the United States said he would help you. What problem would you fix and how would you do it? Be creative!

Students should understand that ideation is all about throwing any and every idea out there — even if you don’t act on it later. Therefore, it’s important not to validate or criticize ideas during their dreaming. Just like in play, there are no wrong moves.

Creative confidence

Identity within communities can change a young person’s belief about their abilities. Specifically, that the future can be better than the present, and I have the power to make it so. They can also trust that there are people in their community like mentors who serve as guides to support them and their learning teams through that process.

I love this example from People Serving People, a homeless shelter in Minneapolis for children and families. Local design firms and educators in the area worked together to show the kids how design thinking can help them make a difference in their neighborhoods. Although the success story centers are teenagers, it’s a great example of giving students learning opportunities that are relevant to their lives and their community, especially when they may feel like most of life happens to them.

At People Serving People, a homeless shelter in Minneapolis, local design firms and educators work together to show kids how design thinking can help them make a difference in their neighborhoods. More resources at:

I used insight from the following organizations in this article:

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Robyn Brown Robyn Brown

Your Community and How You Can Help

Community is an important part of human life. Your community includes your parents, siblings, cousins, classmates at school, teachers, friends, neighbors, teammates, and even the lady at the checkout counter at your local grocery store. Everyone you encounter is a part of a community to which you belong.

What Is Community?

My community video contest entry for Manitobacreditunions. This video captures some short discussion with elementary school students on "community" questions. What is a community? What's your favorite things to do in your community? What the most important part (thing, person, place, job, etc...) in your community

Community is an important part of human life. Your community includes your parents, siblings, cousins, classmates at school, teachers, friends, neighbors, teammates, and even the lady at the checkout counter at your local grocery store. Everyone you encounter is a part of a community to which you belong.

Even people you may not know or see on a daily basis are a part of your community. You may not know the girl who lives a few houses away from you, but you both live on the same street, may go to the same school, and are residents of the same city. This makes that young lady a part of your community. Likewise, the Governor of Texas and the mayor of San Antonio, like you, are fellow Texans--another element to your community. Similarly, a student living in Chicago, Illinois is a fellow American. If you continuously extend your focus outward, you will notice that your community involves all of humanity from the Chancellor of Germany to fellow students in Mumbai, India and Maai Mahiu, Kenya.

How can you help your community?

Sometimes we discover that a person or people in our community need help solving problems. As much as we might want to help, we are not always sure what we can do to help those in our community.

It’s important to first know that Everyone has the Power to Improve their Community! You might think, “I’m a kid, what can I do?” Well. . .

  1. Ask questions. The best way to combat an issue hurting those in your community is to ask questions and learn about the issue and the community members it affects. Your parents, teachers, friends, and those hurt by the problem can all help you learn. You should never be afraid to ask questions and learn!
  2. Act. Ask those requesting help, how you can help. Even if the problem affects you directly, there are likely others just like you looking to find a solution. You may find that these community members have an opportunity for you to get involved and help solve the problem.
  3. Think Creatively. If those you speak to are not sure how you could contribute to solving a community issue, think about what skills you have and how your skills might benefit your community.

For example, you might find that your love of playing soccer can help fellow world-citizens access electricity.

Or you may discover that your thirst for lemonade can help find a solution to the unexplained widespread death of the American bee population.

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Chirag Dedicates His Birthday to Bold Idea

One of the greatest benefits of community is support when you need it. Bold Idea friend Chirag Gupta recently dedicated his 26th birthday to our organization in a highly successful crowdfunding campaign. Run through Dallas-based, Chirag spent a month actively sharing the fundraising plea and details on Bold Idea through his social media network. Word spread and after 30 days Chirag hit his $1,000 goal.

One of the greatest benefits of community is support when you need it. Bold Idea friend Chirag Gupta recently dedicated his 26th birthday to our organization in a highly successful crowdfunding campaign. Run through Dallas-based, Chirag spent a month actively sharing the fundraising plea and details on Bold Idea through his social media network. Word spread and after 30 days Chirag hit his $1,000 goal.

The director of North Dallas Coworking (NoD) and serial entrepreneur was influential in the early days of Bold Idea and continues to drum up support as we grow. We’re incredibly humbled and thankful to Chirag for asking his family, friends and professional network to support Bold Idea.

We also want to offer a huge ‘thank you’ to the 80+ people who donated to the campaign. Every donation will go a long way in helping us put Dallas’ most creative and passionate young minds to work as change agents today and bold leaders tomorrow.

Want to continue supporting Bold Idea?

  • Host your own NachoBirthday campaign on your birthday. Connect with the founder Ryan to get started:
  • Donate directly to Bold Idea online through DonorBox.
  • Volunteer! We’re currently needing mentors for ideaSpark teams and developers to join our Program Design Team. Learn more here.
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CS information Robyn Brown CS information Robyn Brown

Coding the Museum Experience

I love museums. They are places where you can experience some of the world's greatest artifacts and stories! All over the world, museums are using emerging technology as new exhibits and to enhance the museum-goers experience. Since, this week at Bold Idea, we are celebrating coding used for and in art, I wanted to show great examples of how art museums are using and embracing coding and UI to improve their museums!

By Matt Sutton

I love museums. They are places where you can experience some of the world's greatest artifacts and stories! All over the world, museums are using emerging technology as new exhibits and to enhance the museum-goers experience. Since, this week at Bold Idea, we are celebrating coding used for and in art, I wanted to show great examples of how art museums are using and embracing coding and UI to improve their museums!

The Museum Companion

One of the earliest tech trends adopted by museums was the use of tablets and mobile devices as companions. Many, like the MoMA in New York City, use iPod Touches with a unique OS as a travel companion. It includes a comprehensive audio tour as well as search capabilities for additional content on individual pieces, information about museum hours and exhibit scheduling. The app, like many others today, also has sharing capabilities to major social media platforms integrated into the program. For a continued experience, the MoMA offers the whole software as a free app available to anyone on both the Apple and Android app stores.

Some museums have even taken this one step further. The Cleveland Museum of Art uses a downloadable program called 'ArtLens' that uses image recognition software to tells you detailed information about the piece of art you are looking at by simply pointing the camera at it. The software also using localizing RFID technology to give you real-time directions around the museum, "expanded interpretive content" like video and articles, and can lead you on specialized tours throughout the galleries thanks to RFID beacons placed all around the building. Also like the MoMA app, the Cleveland Museum of Art also allows you to store favorites in the app for now or later discussion.

Other institutions like the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City are using iBeacons and other RFID software, like the one shown below, to beam content straight to your mobile device. It is a very passive technology that can be used in leading tours and more. Similar technology that is small and designed in a way that is not intrusive has been used in fashion retailers, theme parks, and more to better cater and personalize a visitor's experience all while utilizing an individual's exisiting technology.

Members of the MediaLab (at the Met) explore the galleries of Egyptian art using beacon technology. Photo by Don Undeen

The software is a huge hit among kids and in the interactive children's exhibits where bits of trivia and reminders throughout the toured experience keeps kids talking and thinking about the artwork that they will see next or at the end of the day! Technology like this has been embraced instead of being discouraged in recent years since the public's view on social media and technology has changed.

The Interactive Playmate

Museums like the Louvre in Paris and the Smithsonians in Washington, DC used to have signs banning the use of cell phones in galleries but instead use technology to create a more immersive experience. Instead, simply allowing guards and museum staff to simply alert visitors when a piece is off limits for photography.

Museum officials recognize that in today's world that people have phones so instead having been learning to adapt the experience they offer recognizing that technology is a part of life. The senior curator of architecture and design at the Museum of Modern Art, Paola Antonelli, put it nicely. “We live not in the digital, not in the physical, but in the kind of minestrone that our mind makes of the two,” she said.

When the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum reopened its doors after a significant remodel last year, it unveiled an amazingly unique interactive experience integrated throughout the whole museum. Led by the concept of a digital pen that is given to you upon entry, the pen experience allows uses to quick literally touch, explore and interact with the exhibits and design in an interesting way. You can can save information about an artifact on the pen by simply touching the special icon on the piece's placard. You can also use it to play games and interact with the information later at any one of the many touch screens tabletops throughout the museum.

The Artist's Agenda

Potentially the greatest way that coding and technology has influenced museums is through the artists themselves. Art museums with contemporary and digital art collections have been encouraged by artists to explore emerging technologies as a way of both integrating incoming art installations and preserving current and future possessions.

The National Portrait Gallery, a Smithsonian institution in Washington, D.C., used 3D printing to replicate Abraham Lincoln's "death mask" and uses 3D modeling to, with incredible detail, conduct analysis on preserved pieces of art. The last surviving canon-bearing vessel from the Revolutionary War, built in 1776, the gunboat Philadelphia is on display at the National Museum of American History in Washington D.C. Thanks to 3D scanning, the Philadelphia is also rendered online where interested viewers can admire it wherever they are and museum goers can see spots not viewable from where it's displayed in the great hall.

3D printing, data mapping and laser technologies have become a staple in a number of museums and art restoration programs around the world to conduct testing, restore artifacts and, even, detect forgeries.

Digital artist, R. Luke DuBois has described his work as “using the tools of our time — digital media, computing and data”. When commissioned by the National Portrait Gallery to do a portrait of Google's founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, DuBois created a portrait on two digital screens. The left screen displays a series of video interviews of the two men on Youtube, Google's ever present video site, while the right screen was coded to take use of the Google's speech recognition software to displays a cascade of words from the interviews in clusters and mesmerizing patterns. It is a beautiful piece of self-referential digital art.

Museum and art institutions all over the globe are realizing that technology is here to help and not destroy mediums of ol'. I hope by reading this you realize that your love of art and history does not have to go away because you love coding. In fact, your inspired code could really change the art world some day.

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