Coding Clubs


Clubs for students to discover coding in a fun and inclusive environment.

a group of students working together on a coding project

What’s a Coding Club?

Coding Clubs are after-school programs for 3rd -12th grade students to join a community of supportive peers and mentors using computer science to create their bold ideas. Clubs offer fun project-based activities through a flexible curriculum that adapts to students’ growing skills level in computer science. Clubs take place after school or Saturdays during the school year, and they are held in-person or entirely online.

We partner with Dallas ISD schools, after-school programs, and Dallas College campuses to launch Coding Clubs in neighborhoods across Dallas.

We also have online options for students to participate from home.

a student working with their mentor

Find a Coding Club

Online Coding Clubs | 3rd -12th Grades

Code at home! Students in 3rd - 12th grades can participate in a Coding Club from home, using their own laptop and Zoom connection.

Clubs at Dallas College | 3rd - 12th Grades

Saturday Coding Clubs are offered at two Dallas College campuses - Eastfield College in Mesquite and Brookhaven College in North Dallas.

Dallas ISD Coding Clubs | 3rd - 8th Grades

For seven years, Bold Idea has partnered with Dallas ISD to provide FREE after-school Coding Clubs at select elementary and middle schools. Clubs are held on campus in the computer lab or other classroom.

Community Coding Clubs | 3rd - 12th Grades

Bold Idea partners with non-profits and other community organizations to launch Coding Clubs alongside existing after-school programs. Our Dallas partners include Wesley-Rankin Community Center, For Oak Cliff Community Center and Hope Farm.