Bold Idea Granted 501(c)(3) Status

We are happy to announce that Bold Idea is now officially a public charity with tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code.

What does this mean? Contributions donated to Bold Idea, both financial and in-kind, are fully tax deductible, retroactive to the organization establishment date of April 13, 2015. Your employer may also having a matching program for contributions or volunteer time.

Above all, this designation will further our ability to deliver on the Bold Idea mission: to develop and empower young minds to execute bold ideas as a team through the power of coding.

Technology innovation is critical to enabling social good for our communities. Our mentors work alongside students to build their skills in coding, computer science, creative confidence, teambuilding, problem solving and social entrepreneurship. As a result, we can put our most creative and passionate minds to work as young change agents today and bold leaders tomorrow.

With your help, we are making that vision a reality — starting with students here in the Dallas area. Thank you for your continued support.


ideaSpark Fall Preview


Sleepover 2.0