Your Community and How You Can Help

What Is Community?

My community video contest entry for Manitobacreditunions. This video captures some short discussion with elementary school students on "community" questions. What is a community? What's your favorite things to do in your community? What the most important part (thing, person, place, job, etc...) in your community

Community is an important part of human life. Your community includes your parents, siblings, cousins, classmates at school, teachers, friends, neighbors, teammates, and even the lady at the checkout counter at your local grocery store. Everyone you encounter is a part of a community to which you belong.

Even people you may not know or see on a daily basis are a part of your community. You may not know the girl who lives a few houses away from you, but you both live on the same street, may go to the same school, and are residents of the same city. This makes that young lady a part of your community. Likewise, the Governor of Texas and the mayor of San Antonio, like you, are fellow Texans--another element to your community. Similarly, a student living in Chicago, Illinois is a fellow American. If you continuously extend your focus outward, you will notice that your community involves all of humanity from the Chancellor of Germany to fellow students in Mumbai, India and Maai Mahiu, Kenya.

How can you help your community?

Sometimes we discover that a person or people in our community need help solving problems. As much as we might want to help, we are not always sure what we can do to help those in our community.

It’s important to first know that Everyone has the Power to Improve their Community! You might think, “I’m a kid, what can I do?” Well. . .

  1. Ask questions. The best way to combat an issue hurting those in your community is to ask questions and learn about the issue and the community members it affects. Your parents, teachers, friends, and those hurt by the problem can all help you learn. You should never be afraid to ask questions and learn!
  2. Act. Ask those requesting help, how you can help. Even if the problem affects you directly, there are likely others just like you looking to find a solution. You may find that these community members have an opportunity for you to get involved and help solve the problem.
  3. Think Creatively. If those you speak to are not sure how you could contribute to solving a community issue, think about what skills you have and how your skills might benefit your community.

For example, you might find that your love of playing soccer can help fellow world-citizens access electricity.

Or you may discover that your thirst for lemonade can help find a solution to the unexplained widespread death of the American bee population.


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