Bold Idea Alumni Excel in College

Zion in 2016 at our first Demo Day

Zion in 2024 at SMU

Zion was ten when she joined a Bold Idea Coding Club and felt her first spark of interest in computer science.

Over the years, she coded many projects with Bold Idea, including a mobile app about bullying prevention, growing in her confidence and determination to pursue a degree in computer science.

Eight years later, Zion has wrapped up her Freshman year at Southern Methodist University as a CS major.

"My Freshman year was a great start to my college career," she said. "During the first semester, it did take a couple of months to fully adjust from high school, but once I did I began to perform better in my classes. I learned how to manage my time and study effectively, which helped me reach my goal of maintaining an A average both semesters.

"I also was able to get involved on campus, obtaining the position of Public Relations Chair for two organizations - Association of Black Students and National Society of Black Engineers. Overall, I loved my first year at SMU, and I can't wait to go back in the fall."

Zion will join Bold Idea once again in the fall - this time as a volunteer mentor, supporting young coders who were her age when she started her CS journey.

Student: Evan, rising Junior at BYU, Computer Science major, machine learning emphasis

What are your summer plans? “This summer I'm looking forward to my internship as a software engineer with a startup in Utah. I'm getting to work a ton with JavaScript, which is the first programming language I ever learned! Even though I've used JavaScript a lot, I'm still learning new things every day! I'm also interested in entrepreneurship, so it'll be cool to work for a small company where I can see how they grow and evolve. Other than work, I'm excited for warmer weather and outdoor adventures, time to try out some new recipes, and the opportunity to work on some fun coding side projects.”

How was the past year? “This past school year was hard but also very rewarding! In addition to general computer science classes, I got to take a few classes about machine learning. I knew I liked programming, but I also found that I enjoyed math too. Machine learning felt like a great way to combine my interests! I also started a year-long entrepreneurship program last semester where me and a team are starting a business together. It's a ton of work, but it's so amazing to create something that makes people's lives better!”

Student: Anjali, rising Senior at UT Austin, Electrical and Computer Engineering major, specializing in signal processing and communication systems

What are your summer plans? “I will be interning as a chip validation engineer at Texas Instruments in Dallas, TX. I also plan to meet my goal of reading 20 books and practicing the violin daily.”

How was the past year of school? “It had its difficult moments but extremely rewarding. I initially did not know what I was interested in within this field, but after taking a signal processing lab this class this year, I have finally found what interests me. This was also the first year that I was an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant for both semesters, and it was gratifying to be able to mentor and support students. I believe this past year saw a lot of personal growth, and I am looking forward to my final year as an undergraduate at UT!”

Student: Ascension, rising Senior at UT Dallas, Business Admin major

Summer plans: Digital Intern at Giant Noise

How was the past year? “Very fun, but it makes me nervous and excited that this upcoming year is my final year.”

Student: Makayla, rising Senior at UT Austin, Psychology major with minors in Government and Media and Entertainment Industries. She wants to pursue a career in the music industry.

“I dream of blending my love of music with my passion for social impact and advocating for the Black community. I’m on the lookout for summer internships in Dallas and also looking forward to spending some quality time with family and friends. Plus, I’m gearing up for an exciting fall 2024 semester in Los Angeles, California.”

Student: Elias, graduating Senior at Adamson High School (Dallas ISD)

College plans: UNT Denton, Cybersecurity major

What are your college plans? “The one thing that I am looking forward to the most this summer is my paid internship with IBM. Last year, I completed the intro internship with them and this year, I was chosen to be in the second level of the internship (it is kind of like a little promotion; I now will get to work more hands on with IBM employees and learn new skills directly from them).”

How was the past year? “This past year, also my last year in high school, was amazing. For it being the last year, yes I did have a lot of things to worry about because I am graduating and all, but overall, my experience has been great. I have made it this far with everyone and I am thankful for the support. Can't wait to see what comes next.”

Student: Jessica, graduating Senior at Wylie High School (Wylie ISD)

College plans: Texas State University, Computer Science major

What are your summer plans? “A chance to take a breather and relish on all I’ve done so far, but I also want to try and get ahead in some of the classes I’ll be taking in the fall to get an understanding of what the next four years of my life will look like!”

How was the past year? “This past year was very reflective and unexpectedly rigorous. I was faced less with deadlines for assignments and instead deadlines for what defined what the rest of my life would be. In a way it was more stressful than having to write 5 page essays and it was funny because I couldn’t differentiate excitement from nervousness. Nonetheless, I feel like this year was really a chance to say “Okay, I’m about to start a new chapter of my life. What do I want that to look like? What can I do to get there?” building my future in a way. The days leading up to graduation have been bittersweet, but I don’t think I’ve ever felt more ready for anything!”

Student: Andrea, graduating Senior at TAG Magnet School (Dallas ISD)

College plans: Brown University, Environmental Engineering major

What are your summer plans? “I have a mix of working to save money, going on new outings with friends, reading books off my reading list, and possibly learning a new skill! Very excited for what's to come :)”

What are you looking forward to next year? “One of my bigger goals for college is to try out many of the clubs I'm interested in; this includes planner-decorating, joining a string ensemble, seeing the QuestBridge network, and connecting with nonprofits in the Providence area.”


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