Bold Idea update

Chirag Dedicates His Birthday to Bold Idea

Chirag Dedicates His Birthday to Bold Idea

One of the greatest benefits of community is support when you need it. Bold Idea friend Chirag Gupta recently dedicated his 26th birthday to our organization in a highly successful crowdfunding campaign. Run through Dallas-based, Chirag spent a month actively sharing the fundraising plea and details on Bold Idea through his social media network. Word spread and after 30 days Chirag hit his $1,000 goal.

The Path to Bold Idea

The Path to Bold Idea

I often get asked about the origin story for Bold Idea. To be honest, I struggle to provide an answer – mostly because it was not a simple, one-time ‘aha’ moment, but rather a long series of events and serendipitous conversations. Even today, the organization has evolved from my original idea, and it’s my hope that it will continue to evolve for the better as we expand our leadership team and test the program. Rather than provide a linear timeline of events, I’ll touch on the foundational elements of our organization and why I believe so strongly in them.