Bold Idea develops and empowers young minds to execute bold ideas as a team through the power of technology.

Over the past few decades, the rapid pace of technology innovation has enabled more and more big thinkers to execute their bold ideas. Computer science has taken a leading role in that movement. Computing scientists, working with experts in other fields, are designing and building computer systems that support the functioning of modern society and are enabling us to tackle the critical challenges that face our world.

We believe ALL students deserve the opportunity to learn computer science.

Computer science develops students’ computational and critical thinking skills and shows them how to create — not simply use — new technologies. Fundamental knowledge of computer science skills and ideas prepares students for the 21st century, regardless of their ultimate degree or occupation.

Yet, K-12 education has lagged behind. No state currently requires high school students to take a computer science course to graduate. Computer science is the only field that has shown a decrease in student participation: from 25% to 19%.

bold, problem-solving projects are executed best in a team.

Students often don’t develop interpersonal skills because they spend school days working alone or listening to the teacher. Opportunities for group learning are also declining outside the classroom. According to Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence, American kids are getting worse at cooperation — at being able to work things out and control their impulses — due to declining opportunities for free play and meaningful ways to contribute to their communities.

Computing projects involve teams working together to design, code, test, debug, describe and maintain programs over time. When engaged in this process, students learn to work toward a common goal and solve problems by communicating with others on their team.

We limit the abilities of the next generation when we fail to teach students essential computer science and 21st century skills and cut mentoring programs and access to resources.

> Learn how Bold Idea is making a difference for North Texas students.