Bold Idea

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Be Weird

Long-time Bold Idea mentors Rishabh, Karthik and Avinash are currently studying computer science at The University of Texas at Austin, and we miss them a lot! We were inspired by their message of 'Be Weird' at Demo Day Spring 2017 and knew it had to be our theme for the 2017/2018 school year. The image below is our t-shirt design. :-D

In this article, they explain their thinking behind 'Be Weird.'

By Rishabh, Karthik and Avinash

One of the most underlying philosophies that a child learns during their young ages is to follow the rules, be disciplined, and be a good kid. They shouldn’t question why they should be a good kid, but rather live with it. Now, it’s certainly preferable that we all act civil to one another but sometimes society restricts an ebbing flow of potential from our brightest and youngest minds. Sometimes we get too caught up in being just like everyone else to the point that we don’t know what makes us “us” anymore. And then life suddenly stops being fun. It shouldn’t be like that. Be weird. From all of us at Bold Idea, we tell you to be weird. 

To those who may be reading this with a raised eyebrow, we are not advocating a broad definition of “weirdness” that involves inappropriate behavior or such. To us, weirdness it thinking outside the norm and challenging our typical beliefs. Think different, be unique and surprise yourself with every idea that you come up. Every idea should reach for the stars and be planted in the back of your subconscious. iPhones, laptop, spaceships, cars, or hoverboards would not have been created if we, society, did not have weird people. 

As a young student struggling to fit in and conform with other classmates, it can be hard to have the courage to be weird. Being weird means you don’t hide the things that make you unique; it means that you embrace them. Being weird means that you’re the group member who suggests the outrageous idea that no one else could think of. That idea turns into so much more. When you think something, anything is cool, pursue it. Don’t let those thoughts in the back of your head about what your friends think deter you.

Furthermore, being weird is also about enjoying what you do and having fun. Everything from your health to your productivity is better when you are having fun. So, spend every moment in the classroom in a good mood. Enjoy the projects you work on this semester and put a touch on it that makes it YOURS. 

Near the end of the semester, there will come a time when you will get to reveal what you’ve been doing to “be weird” this semester: Demo Day. This going to be a chance for you to show who you are. It is going to be your moment in the spotlight, so don’t hold back. While there will be many people watching you, remember that your demo will be as good as your mood. Go out there, have fun, and show us how you are living life to “Be Weird!”